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What To Do After A Maryland Workplace Accident Prior To Retaining Counsel


Work-related accidents and occupational illnesses remain a threat to Maryland workers, and data compiled by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is proof that employees are constantly at risk. Every year, there are almost 65,000 total recorded cases of workplace medical conditions, 36,400 of which involve days away from work, a job transfer, or restriction for the ailing worker. Fortunately for Maryland employees, the state’s system for workers’ compensation pays monetary benefits to cover medical costs, lost wages, and disability.

However, even if you are aware of your options, the chaos and confusion in the aftermath of a workplace accident can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to know what to do when you are thinking about your job and financial concerns, while also enduring excruciating pain. You will have all the support you need once you have legal representation, but here are some tips on what to do after a workplace accident prior to retaining a Maryland workers’ compensation lawyer.

Get Proper Medical Care 

Your first priority should be getting treatment for your work-related injuries. Maryland workers’ comp laws allow you to choose your own doctor, so make your decision based upon the severity of your medical condition. You might opt for the emergency room, an urgent care facility, or your physician. Note that your employer may request that you visit a health care provider of its choosing at some point during the process, but you are not required to have this individual for primary treatment.

Notify Your Employer About Your Medical Condition 

Once your health is under control, make sure to follow your company’s policies regarding notification about workplace injuries. Many employers will require you to fill out some forms, alert your supervisor, or go through other designated steps. Even if not mandatory, provide written notification and track the date: The deadline for notifying your employer is 10 days from the date of the accident. 

Use Caution When Dealing with Your Employer’s Insurance Company 

After notifying your employer about work-related injuries, a workers’ comp insurer will enter the picture. This company pays out claims to qualifying employees, but only after conducting an investigation to ensure you are eligible. The insurer will try to find reasons to deny your workers’ comp claim, so only stick to basics in discussions with an agent.

Do NOT Sign Anything Before Consultation with a Lawyer 

If your employer or the insurance company requests that you sign a release or similar document, you should politely decline until you have a chance to talk to an attorney. Your lawyer can review paperwork to ensure you are not giving up important rights.

Contact Our Maryland Workers’ Comp Attorneys for Legal Help 

These tips should guide you in the immediate aftermath of a work-related accident, and you can trust our team at the Law Offices of Steinhardt, Siskind and Lieberman, LLC going forward. To learn more, please contact our offices in Glen Burnie, Owings Mills, Ellicott City, or Annapolis, MD to set up a free consultation.



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